Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Political science - Essay Example f leadership becomes sparse then individuals will focus on personal objectives and nobody will consider or work towards communal objective for the betterment of their society. Autocratic leaders tend to display inflexible behaviour to their subordinates and demand obedience in all regard. Neither, they consider suggestions from their subordinates nor they belief in equality of any kind. Moreover, these leaders belief in supervision of their subordinates for efficacy of work in their organisations or teams. Lassie-Farie leaders submit all the privileges and control to their subordinates. Subordinates have the liability to determine any course of action and leaders get along with their ideas and plans. However, it is essential for such leaders to have specialized and skilled team workers to progress. Innovative leaders are quick to change and adapt new ideas, their teams are in a constant process of progressing and changing. These leaders inspire their subordinates to share ideas, develop strategic plans and develop new skills. Such leaders produce an environment where change is welcome and is supported by the leaders (Bass,

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