Monday, September 23, 2019

Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questions - Essay Example Conflict on both sides started when Jews started interfering in the Arabs religion as in the beginning the Israeli’s were few in population as compared with Arabs. Jews started breaking the promises with Arabs and problems overcame the situation. And now the issue has become an International Issue. Arab side is quite strong in their perspective and makes it clear to the Israeli’s what they want of them. But Israeli side is not going to back up. Another issue is related to the Golan heights, Arabs want Israeli to compromise on the side but Israeli’s are not ready to leave the side as they want to make the borders strong for the Israel. Talking about the particular situation it is becoming critical day by day as all the Arabian countries are on one side supporting the Arab community living in Palestine. If we focus on the solution then Israeli’s should give an ear to the Arab community and fulfill their promises. 2. Articulate the origins and main motives for United States involvement in the region. Specifically, what are American interests in the region? Was the United States correct for getting involved? Have we made any specific mistakes?   United States is continuously supporting the Jews in the Arab-Israeli issue as in 1948; Jews were known to have a modern nation US are supporting them after the modern Jews community came into being. Throughout the history of Israeli and Arab war depicts the friendly behavior of US towards Jews. US is basically trying to have a region stability in the particular region. Middle-east is like a golden bird which everyone tries to catch and hold. Israeli’s are continuously expanding their territories in the desert regions and Arab sides, so US is supporting modern Jews and helping them to continue with it as they gain with their political concerns. If we recall the history of all the wars Israel has fought it has resulted in their procurement of more land as a result and so they have grown year after

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